Intriguing Job Vacancies for QC Engineer 0 to 4 yrs

Intriguing Job Vacancies for QC Engineer 0 to 4 yrsJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesExamine electronic goods parts and assemblies to find the main causes and modes of failure.Possessing a solid understanding of product management conceptsstrong technical abilities in electronics hardware practical knowledge of PCBs and relays as well as expertise creating scenarios test cases and troubleshooting technical issuesRecognising customer demands from a quality perspectiveKeeping both internal and external teams up to date with product deliverablesInteractions with External and Internal Partiesknowledgeable with systems and processes for quality assurancePossessing a solid understanding of concepts in electronics engineeringRole QC EngineerExperience 0 to 4 yrs Qualification Diploma BE in AutomobileSalary Based on Previous experienceJob Type Full Time Permanent JobLocation ChennaiInterested Candidates can Contact the HR for Further DetailsHR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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