We are looking QC jobs at chennai 20 to 24 Job description - We are looking for quality control engineers to join our team. Candidates with electrical and mechanical background in the field of Quality control quality inspection and assurance in manufacturing sector are encouraged.- Freshers who are willing to start their career in quality control and assurance are also encouraged.- Conduct inspections and tests on materials equipment and finished products to identify and address any deviations from quality standards.- Develop and implement quality control procedures throughout the production process.- Analyse and troubleshoot quality issues to identify root causes and implement corrective actions.- Continuously monitor and improve quality control processes for better efficiency.- Work effectively with other departments (design production) to prevent quality issues and promote proactive solutions.- Document inspection findings and reports for clear communication and record-keeping.- Proficiency with relevant testing equipment and quality control methods.- Understanding of manufacturing and production processes.Regards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937
Category: Employment & Jobs
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