ENC Picked Up Here (at) (100 - 15.00) (500 - 30.00) (1000 - 50.00) - Great for Composting - Excellent Fish Bait - No refrigeration required - Cash - Pay Pal Note If Shipping - cost included... (100 - 20.00) (500 - 35.00) (1000 - 60.00) Super Reds are still considered a surface dwelling composter. However they tend to go deeper than the red wiggler which can allow them to better handle temperature fluctuations. ENC can handle cooler temperatures than many other worms. Super Reds are one of the best fishing worms available Also Note we ship our worms bed run. There will be an even mix of mature and non-mature worms. We can not guarantee all bait size worms upon delivery. Within 6 weeks all worms will be mature... All shipped orders must be placed by Saturday at 12 00 Noon to make Monday or Tuesday s Shipping... Roberts Worm Farm... Gardner KS
Price: 50 USD
Category: Lawn & Garden Services
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Barns of America26151 SE Hwy 19Old Town Fl 32680352-469-5044 Locally owned and operated 25 years...
Barns Of America Inc
Barns of America26151 SE Hwy 19Old Town Fl 32680352-469-5044 Here at Barns of America we...
Barns Of America Inc
Barns of America Inc. Built to last a lifetime 26151 Se Hwy 19 Old Town...
Barns Of America Inc
Barns of America26151 SE Hwy 19Old Town Fl 32680352-469-5044 Here at Barns of America we...
Barns Of America Inc
Barns of America26151 SE Hwy 19Old Town Fl 32680352-469-5044 Here at Barns of America we...
Barns Of America Inc
BARNS OF AMERICA No more storage fees Address 26151 Se Hwy 19 Old Town FL...
Barns Of America Inc
Barns of America26151 SE Hwy 19Old Town Fl 32680352-469-5044 With Christmas right around the corner...
Barns Of America Inc
Barns of America26151 SE Hwy 19Old Town Fl 32680352-469-5044 Don t have all the cash...
Barns Of America Inc
Barns of America26151 SE Hwy 19Old Town Fl 32680352-469-5044 With Christmas right around the corner...
Barns Of America Inc
BARNS OF AMERICA No more storage fees Address 26151 Se Hwy 19 Old Town FL...
Barns Of America Inc