ACTING OPPORTUNITIESTV Film Web SeriesAll Ages Welcome We are casting for various projects including a TV serial ad films and web series. Whether you re a seasoned actor or just starting out we want to hear from you Age Requirements Males 18-30 years oldFemales 18-25 years oldKids 4-8 years oldSubmission Guidelines Send your profile and a 1-minuteintro video to 91 88309 88325 on WhatsAppFreshers are encouraged to applyLocation All over IndiaTake the first step towards
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Job description Exclusive Interview for the post of Charge Entry & Payment Posting. now hiring...
Hiring Freshers for Production Department 2024Job DescriptionResponsibilitiesEvaluate and assess current manufacturing procedures then offer recommendations...
Vast Openings Available for Service Engineers FreshersJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesGive clients technical support over the phone via...
Customer support Voice ProcessWe are looking for candidates for Customer support Voice ProcessGood communication in...
Hr ExecutiveImmediate Hiring for HR ExecutiveJob Description Execute effective sourcing screening and interviewing techniques. Manage...
Looking for reputed manufacturing company (at) chennai Post Maintenance Engineer - Automation shift -EngineerExp 4...
ECE Engineering for experienced Lead Electronics Engineer Needed Job Description Drive Components Design Sizing of...
Hiring on MYSQL FORMAT Job description Strong proficiency in MySQL database management Table design including...
HR Admin in Chennai 20 to 24 batchJob description We are looking for Admin executive...
Hiring on software development Job Description Overall 3 years of Software development experience 2 years...