Fresher mechanical engineer jobs at chennai 2024Job description Maintenance of ChillerMaintenance of AHU systemMaintenance of FCU and CSUMaintenance of primary pumpMaintenance of secondary pumpFreshers only applyDip and BE Fresher only applyJob Types Full-time FresherBenefits Flexible schedule Health insurance Provident FundSchedule Day shift Fixed shift Morning shift Night shift Rotational shiftJoining bonus Yearly bonusEducation Bachelor s (Preferred)Experience Fresher 1 year (Preferred) total work 1 year (Preferred) Mechanical engineering 1 year (Preferred) Design 1 year (Preferred)Work Location in chennai Regards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937
Category: Employment & Jobs
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MAINTENANCE ENGINEER MACHINERY 2024Job description Job Title - Maintenance Engineer (Machinery)Salary - 18k to 30kWork...
Searching for The Right Candidates for WeldersJob DescriptionResponsibilities- Pipe welding Expertly welds small medium and...
Are You a Job Seeker in Electrical Engineering Here it isJob DescriptionResponsibilities- System development &...
Bulk Hiring for Welders in ChennaiJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesSkilfully joins small medium and large bore pipes made...
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Hiring on ANDROID DEVELOPER Design and build advanced applications for the Android platform - Collaborate...
Bulk Hiring for Candidates in Maintenance EngineerJob DescriptionResponsibilities- Scheduled maintenance planning Plan and carry out...
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Opportunities for Work in Service EngineeringJob DescriptionResponsibilities- Customer technical support Provide technical assistance to customers...