Ferry Chief Engineer

How to ApplyYou MUST apply at s tinyurl.com 3wvnf83s by Oct 18. NCDOT is a Great Place to Work.Don t take our word for it. Read what our people are saying at s bit.ly NCDOTGreatPlaceToWork. We are the highest rated state agency for employee satisfaction on Glassdoor with nearly 300 reviews. New Higher Salary 40 442 - 70 774 The ChallengeWe are looking for an experienced Ferry Chief Engineer with a passion for supervising and coordinating vessel teams operating and maintaining propulsion and other engines generators deck machinery electrical refrigeration and sanitation equipment on ferry vessels to join our Hatteras Ferry operations team. In this role you will Supervise and coordinate activities of vessel staff engaged in operating and maintaining propulsion and other engines generators deck machinery electrical refrigeration and sanitation equipment and related systems on board ferry vessels. Ensure employees operate engineering systems in accordance with rules and regulations established by the US Coast Guard NC Department of Transportation and policies and procedures of the Ferry Division. Ensure employees follow all safety and Homeland Security rules and regulations. Create performance reports to be reviewed by senior staff through written reports and inspections performed by US Coast Guard staff. Check operate and maintain marine equipment including engines generators steering gears pumps and other auxiliary equipment. Perform minor emergency repairs while underway. Execute orders received from the Ferry Master relating to starting stopping speed of vessel and other operations while vessel is underway. Maintain and operate all below-deck firefighting equipment. Prepare and maintain records of all tools and parts. Keep daily logs of all machinery operations including engine RPMs time temperature pressures oil changes quantity of fuel and water aboard and all repairs made to engines auxiliary equipment. Participate in minor repairs on motors auxiliary equipment and the hull. What You BringKnowledge of the operations maintenance and repairs of marine diesel and gas engines pumps generators and other auxiliary equipment. Knowledge of State Federal and U.S. Coast Guard laws and regulations regarding occupational hazards and safety precautions for engine room work aboard vessels. Demonstrated ability supervising staff in all areas of engine room operations. Demonstrated ability to overhaul and maintain complex engineering equipment up to including large internal combustion diesel engines. Skills repairing and performing required periodic maintenance of vessel equipment in accordance with manufacturer s instructions Coast Guard regulations and Ferry Division policy. Education and ExperienceA US Coast Guard license as Chief Engineer or Designated Duty Engineer with the appropriate horsepower for the vessel operated. A Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) Card issued by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). NotesWork schedule is 7 days on 7 days off (Tuesday to Monday). Housing during the working shift may be available. To learn more and get your TWIC go to s www.dco.uscg.mil nmc twic To learn more and get your Able Seaman Certificate (MMC) go to s www.dco.uscg.mil Portals 9 NMC pdfs helpful_links how_to_obtain_mmc.pdf Questions Call me Ren Basnight at 252-423-5125. Connect me to NCDOT Careers s linkedin.com in ncdot-careers Show me more NCDOT Ferry jobs s bit.ly NCDOTFerryJobs Learn more about great careers with NCDOT Ferry s bit.ly JoinNCDOTFerry



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