Jobs Available for Service Engineer Freshers ChennaiJob DescriptionResponsibilities1. Oversee a local service department 2. Creation of opportunities through appropriate product positioning determined by those needs. 3. Oversee the after-sales service procedures including new equipment installation and commissioning as well as activities related to warranty period servicing. 4. Respond to concerns and objections from clients. 5. Help the regional sales team close new and repeat business by providing pre-sales support. 6. Oversee the Dealer Network in the North and West. 7. Oversee and oversee all dealer activities such as direct services sales (parts sales annual service contracts etc.) and carry out regular dealer assessments to ensure process compliance.Role Service EngineerExperience FreshersQualification Diploma BE in E& ISalary From 15K per MonthJob Type Full time Permanent JobLocation ChennaiInterested Candidates Can Contact the HR for further DetailsHR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)
Category: Employment & Jobs
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