Electrical and Mechanical Maintenance jobs at chennaiJD Qualifications And Skills 2 to 3 years of experience in Electrical And Mechanical Maintenance Proficiency in VMC CNC EOT Cranes Compressor Welding and laser cutting Ability to minimize breakdown timings and ensure equipment reliability Strong problem-solving and troubleshooting skills Excellent communication and teamwork abilitiesRoles And Responsibilities Performing electrical and mechanical maintenance tasks on machinery and equipment Troubleshooting and repairing electrical and mechanical issues Conducting preventive maintenance to ensure equipment efficiency Collaborating with engineering and production teams to optimize maintenance procedures Maintaining documentation of maintenance activities and schedulesSalary 15k to 18kEdu ITI Dip BESalary 15k to 30kLocation ChennaiRegards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937All the best
Category: Employment & Jobs
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Job Opportunities for ReactJS Developers ChennaiJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesGetting together with the development team to talk about...
Job descriptionRole & Responsibilities Design develop and maintain software applications. Collaborate with senior developers and...
Utility Maintenance Engineer jobs at chennaiJob description Vacancy for Utility Maintenance at Automobile IndustryQualification -...
Hiring Candidates for Civil Site EngineerJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesCoordinate with project managers architects and subcontractors to ensure...
Job Openings for ITI Fitter PositionJob DescriptionResponsibilities1. Blueprint Interpretation Read and accurately interpret detailed engineering...
Vacancies Offered for QC Engineers ChennaiJob DescriptionResponsibilities1. Inward Material Inspection Conduct thorough quality inspections of...
Vacancies Available for Civil site EngineerJob DescriptionResponsibilities1. Site Management & Safety Compliance Manage and oversee...
Job Positions available for QC Engineer in ChennaiJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesExtensive quality assessment of inbound material machinery...
Hiring Experienced Candidates for Production EngineerJob DescriptionResponsibilities1. Daily Activity Coordination Coordinate and report day-to-day production...
Opportunities for Career in React JS DeveloperJob DescriptionResponsibilities1.Team Collaboration Meet with the development team to...