Hiring on software application

Job descriptionRole & Responsibilities Design develop and maintain software applications. Collaborate with senior developers and cross-functional teams on project requirements. Participate in code reviews and improve coding practices based on feedback. Assist in testing debugging and deploying software. Create and maintain technical documentation. Provide basic technical support and troubleshooting under supervision.Preferred Candidate Profile Bachelor s degree in Computer Science Software Engineering Information Technology or a related field. Proficiency in one or more programming languages (e.g. Java Python C ). Strong understanding of software development principles and data structures. Eagerness to learn and adapt to new technologies. Good analytical and problem-solving skills. Ability to work effectively in a team environment. Strong verbal and written communication skills. Any internship or project experience in software development is a plus. Familiarity with tools like Git IDEs and databases is an added advantage.Perks and Benefits Mentorship and training from experienced professionals. Hands-on experience with real-world projects. Competitive salary with potential for growth. Flexible work hours and a positive work-life balance. Access to professional development resources and training programs. Collaborative and inclusive work culture. Health dental and vision insurance (if applicable). Opportunity to work on innovative and impactful projectsRole Full Stack DeveloperIndustry Type IT Services & ConsultingDepartment Engineering - Software & QAEmployment Type Full Time PermanentRole Category Software DevelopmentExp 2-3 yrs Location Chennai Salary 30-35K With warm regards infohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com 9500574819HR-MADHU



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