React JS Developer jobs at chennai 20 to 24

React JS Developer jobs at chennai 20 to 24Job Description We are looking to hire an experienced React JS developer for our skilled front-end development team immediately. As a React JS Developer you will be responsible for designing and building interactive design elements for our software applications.The front-end developers are involved in all stages of interface component design from conception through to final testing.Responsibilities Meeting with the development team to discuss user interface ideas and applications. Reviewing application requirements and interface designs. Identifying web-based user interactions. Developing and implementing highly responsive user interface components using react concepts. Writing application interface codes using TypeScript following react.js workflows. Troubleshooting interface software and debugging application codes. Developing and implementing front-end architecture to support user interface concepts. Monitoring and improving front-end performance. Documenting application changes and developing updates.Skills React Js Javascript Typescript JSX Git NpmJob Type Full-timePay 30k - 50k per MonthSchedule Day shift Monday to Friday Regards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937



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