Hotel in gk1 delhi

Overview: Lime Tree Hotel, located in the upscale Greater Kailash 1 area of Delhi, offers a blend of comfort and modern amenities. It s an ideal choice for both business and leisure travelers. Accommodation: The hotel features well-appointed rooms that are elegantly designed, ensuring a cozy and restful stay. Each room comes equipped with contemporary furnishings, high-speed internet, and essential amenities. Dining: Guests can enjoy a range of culinary delights at the hotel s on-site restaurant, which offers both local and international cuisine. The ambiance is warm and inviting, perfect for casual dining or business meetings. Facilities: Meeting Rooms: Equipped with modern technology for conferences and events. Fitness Center: A well-maintained gym for fitness enthusiasts. Free Wi-Fi: Available throughout the hotel for convenience. Location: Situated in the heart of Greater Kailash, the hotel is close to shopping areas, cultural attractions, and major business hubs, making it a convenient base for exploring Delhi.



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