Medical billing AR Analyst jobs at chennai

Medical billing AR Analyst jobs at chennai Company Description Healthcare company located in Chennai Hiring full time roll of AR specialist. Experience 3 to 5 years Work from office. Night Shift The Analyst will be responsible for tasks such as processing medical claims managing denials utilizing ICD-10 codes handling insurance and reports.Qualifications Medical Terminology and ICD-10 knowledge Experience in managing denials and insurance claims Familiarity with Medicare billing procedures Strong attention to detail and analytical skills Excellent communication and problem-solving abilities Ability to work independently and collaboratively Certification in Medical Billing and Coding is a plus Minimum of 3 years of experience Account receivables.Edu Any degreeLocation Chennai Exp 2 to 4 yrsSalary Best in industryRegards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937All the best



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