HR-Admin Manager

Job description Hiring on Admin Manager Daily monitoring and supervision of transport for 3 shifts and General shift ensuring efficient routing and scheduling. Conduct monthly committee meetings focusing on improvement and feedback systems. Address and resolve any transport-related issues raised by employees. Supervise the storage and retrieval of all administrative and operational materials. Ensure storage spaces are organized and accessible while maintaining accurate records of stored items. Conduct regular inventory checks to ensure proper stock levels. Stationery and Welfare Management Ensure and complete the various departmental stationery requirements on time. Provide timely welfare benefits to employees as stipulated by our company policy. Asset Management Manage and track company assets ensuring proper usage maintenance and record-keeping. Coordinate with departments to ensure timely procurement and deployment of assets. Conduct regular audits to assess the condition and location of assets. Location chennai EXP 1-2 YRS Salary 22-25k with regards infohrmadhu23(at) HR-MADHU 9500574819



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