Hiring on Human Resource Management

Hiring on Human Resource and management Manage the recruitment process and ensure candidates fit the role and company culture. Coordinate and manage the orientation of new employees process probationary reviews employee evaluations and terminations. Assist in administering a wide range of HR matters in areas such as manpower planning and recruitment compensation & benefits and performance management exercise. Maintain records and compile statistical reports concerning personnel-related data such as hires transfers performance appraisals and absenteeism rates. Process and follow up appointments reassignments promotions and other HR decisions which generate personnel administration actions in a timely and thorough way being sensitive to the human dimensions involved and tailoring actions accordingly. Advise staff on specific entitlements and explain employment standards and legislation where needed. Education MBA Salary 30-35K Experience 2-4yrs Best Regards Infohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com HR-Madhu 9500574819



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