Project Manager - 35

A leading company in specialty doors and windows is seeking a qualified Engineering Project Manager. The ideal candidate will have production experience and strong skills in developing and overseeing projects from customer requirements to delivery to the customer. The project manager will also prepare and present updates regularly to relevant management channels ensuring that our goal goals are achieved.Alternative Schedule Monday-Thursdays 7 30am-5 15pm (9 hrs) Friday 7 30am-11 30am (4 hrs) Temp-Hire Full time What You Need to Succeed 0 -2 years of project management experience preferred AutoCAD in the detailing and design of product components and assemblies experience preferred. Strong written and verbal communication skills Experience within the steel door manufacturing or construction industry preferred. Strong work ethic loyal trustworthy honest team player Proven ability to multi-task and have regular contact with customers executives managers and employees. Must possess superior organizational skills and attention to detail. Ability to work with minimal supervision. Computer literate with proficiency in Microsoft Office Microsoft Excel For more information please reach out to Becky at 626-561-0190.



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