Hi-max ic-016 drill machine 10mm 600w

In search of a reliable and compact electric drill machine for your industrial projects? Look no further than the HI-MAX IC-016. With a drill width ranging from 1.5 to 10 mm and impressive drill depth, this machine ensures versatility and precision in your drilling tasks. Operating at a load-free speed of 1250 RPM, the IC-016 guarantees consistent and accessible results with every use. Its robust electric motor, boasting a power input of 600 watts, enables efficient drilling and fastening, making it suitable for a variety of mechanical tasks. Whether you re drilling holes or driving fasteners, this drill machine delivers successful outcomes, catering to the needs of industrial strength projects. Experience the reliability and performance of the HI-MAX IC-016 Drill Machine, designed to meet the demands of your industrial endeavors. [Specification] Power Source Type Electric Corded Brand HI-MAX Colour Green & Black No Load Speed 1250 RPM Voltage 220/ 240 V Frequency 50/ 60 Hz Chuck Size 1.5-10MM Switch Lock Button Yes Input Power 600 Watts



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