Engineer for Design and Construction Job Specifications Using the Creo software your duties as a Design Engineer - Creo will involve envisioning designing and producing mechanical and electro-mechanical devices. Working in cross-functional teams you will comprehend project specifications and produce superior 3D models and drawings. To maximize the responsibilities you will also carry out design validation tests and evaluate the outcomes. Using the Creo program conceptualize design and build mechanical and electromechanical products. Work with cross-functional teams to comprehend project requirements and produce intricate design drawings and models. Requirements Strong grasp of mechanical engineering principles and ideas Bachelor s or Master s degree in mechanical engineering or a related subject Demonstrated expertise utilizing Creo software for product design and development competence with Creo 3D modeling and drafting Location Ambattur Chennai. Exp 2-4 yrs Salary 20k-40k(based on experience its negotiable) Skills Proficiency in Creo software Strong knowledge of mechanical engineering principles Experience in 3D modeling and drafting If you have any queries kindly contact HR-Madhu Infohrmadhu23(at) 9500574819
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