Job Role Senior AR CallerExperience 1 yrsShift Night ShiftLocation ChennaiJob Description The AR Caller or Accounts Receivable Caller plays a vital role in the healthcare revenue cycle.Responsible for contacting insurance companies and patients to follow up on outstanding medical claims.Navigates complex billing and coding processes to ensure accurate reimbursement for healthcare services.ResponsibilitiesInitiate calls to insurance companies for claim resolution and follow-up.Address patient inquiries regarding billing issues and provide clear explanations.Collaborate with internal teams to resolve discrepancies and expedite claims processing.Maintain detailed records of interactions and claim statuses for accurate reporting.Adhere to industry regulations and compliance standards in all communication and documentation.Requirements and SkillsExperience in healthcare revenue cycle management or a related field.Understanding of medical billing codes insurance processes and claim adjudication.Strong communication skills for effective interaction with insurance companies and patients.Attention to detail and accuracy in navigating complex billing and coding systems.Adaptability to evolving industry regulations and technological advancements.If you are interested do contact through this number 89251 and 14937 Nedhra -HR Thanks & Regards All the best
Category: Employment & Jobs
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