Electronics communication

Job description Dear Job Seekers We have openings for Electronics & Communication Engineer Fresher Trainee An electronics engineer is responsible for designing developing and testing electronic systems components and devices. Role- Electronics & Communication Engineer Fresher Trainee Experience- Fresher Job Location- CHENNAI EXP 2-4 YRS Salary 15k based on exp its negotiable Eligibility- B-tech B.E. Electronics & Communication Engineering EEE ECE ETC Flexible working hours. Here are the key responsibilities Designing electronic systems Testing and troubleshooting Research and development Prototyping and manufacturing support Qualifications and Skills Bachelor s or master s degree in electrical or electronics engineering or a related field. Strong knowledge of electronics principles circuit design and signal processing. Proficiency in using CAD software for circuit design and simulation. Excellent communication and teamwork skills to collaborate effectively with interdisciplinary teams. Attention to detail organizational skills and the ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously. Role Other Industry Type Electronic Components Semiconductors Department Other Employment Type Full Time Permanent Role Category Other Education UG B.Tech B.E. in Electronics Telecommunication Instrumentation with regards infohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com HR-MADHU



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