8945 West Magna Main (2700 South) Magna Utah 84044- 7 700 SF Freestanding Retail - 6 200 SF Main Level - 1 500 SF Second Level - Zoning C-3 (Commercial Mixed Use) - Site Size 0.40 Acres - RDA and Opportunity ZonePurchase Price 765 000.00For more information on this property please contact Sam Christensen and Ava Christensen at 801.361.9798 or by email at sam.christensen(at)crcnationwide.com ava.christensen(at)crcnationwide.com. Sam and Ava are licensed real estate agents in the state of Utah and are affiliated with cRc Nationwide Real Estate Brokerage.
Price: 765,000 USD
Category: Real Estate - Commercial
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