Dot NET Developer Take Your Coding Career to the Next Level

Dot NET Developer Take Your Coding Career to the Next LevelJob DescriptionResponsibilities1. Web Application Development - Develop customize and maintain web applications using .NET Core and MS SQL Server. - Design and implement clean efficient reusable and reliable code to meet project requirements. 2. Collaboration with Frontend Teams - Work closely with frontend developers to integrate user-facing elements with server-side logic. - Ensure seamless functionality and performance between the frontend and backend components. 3. Performance Optimization - Optimize application performance to ensure high availability scalability and responsiveness. - Proactively identify bottlenecks and make performance-related improvements. 4. Code Review & Design Discussions - Participate in requirements analysis design discussions and code reviews to deliver high-quality solutions. - Provide feedback and contribute to the overall system architecture. 5. Troubleshooting & Debugging - Identify troubleshoot and debug issues to ensure smooth operation of applications. - Provide timely resolutions to any technical challenges that arise. 6. Stakeholder Collaboration - Collaborate with stakeholders to understand business needs and translate them into technical requirements. - Ensure that developed solutions align with the company s business objectives and customer needs. 7. Technology Updates & Best Practices - Stay updated with the latest technologies trends and best practices in web development. - Continuously enhance skill sets and explore opportunities to implement new technologies and frameworks. Skills & Qualifications - Bachelor s degree in Computer Science Information Technology or a related field.- Strong experience in .NET Core and MS SQL Server.- Solid understanding of C and ASP.NET frameworks.- Experience in developing scalable web applications with strong back-end logic.- Proficiency in performance optimization techniques for web applications.- Ability to troubleshoot debug and resolve application issues.- Experience collaborating with frontend developers and integrating server-side logic with user interfaces.- Excellent communication skills and ability to work closely with stakeholders.Role Dot Net DeveloperExperience 1 to 4 yrsQualification Any Degree related to ITSalary From 18K per MonthJob Type Full time Permanent JobLocation ChennaiInterested Candidates Can Contact the HR for further DetailsHR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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