Skilled Charge Entry Professional Advance Your Career Here

Skilled Charge Entry Professional Advance Your Career HereJob DescriptionResponsibilities1. Charge Data Entry - Accurately enter charge data into billing systems ensuring timeliness and precision. - Review and verify charge information for completeness accuracy and proper coding. 2. Discrepancy Resolution - Identify and resolve discrepancies or issues related to charge entries. - Collaborate with relevant departments to resolve billing issues ensuring compliance with established procedures. 3. Billing Compliance - Maintain up-to-date knowledge of billing codes procedures and regulations to ensure accurate charge entries. - Ensure compliance with company policies and relevant industry regulations including healthcare billing standards if applicable. 4. Reporting & Analysis - Generate and review reports related to charge entry and billing accuracy. - Provide insights on trends or recurring issues in charge discrepancies and recommend improvements. 5. Collaboration - Work closely with other departments such as accounting and customer service to ensure seamless billing processes. - Address billing queries and resolve any charge entry issues in coordination with cross-functional teams. Skills & Qualifications - Strong attention to detail and ability to handle large volumes of data accurately.- Knowledge of billing systems charge entry and relevant billing codes.- Problem-solving skills to handle discrepancies in charge entries.- Excellent organizational skills and the ability to prioritize tasks effectively.- Familiarity with billing compliance regulations and industry standards. Role Charge Entry ExecutiveExperience 1 to 4 yrsQualification Any Basic Degree Salary From 18K per MonthJob Type Full time Permanent JobLocation ChennaiInterested Candidates Can Contact the HR for further DetailsHR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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