2 doors and 7 drawers Dresser with mirror and two extra drawers on top. Needs gone before October 14th. In good condition.
Category: Household & Furniture
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Mirror (TJ Max) metal frame Tag price is 50 TEL 949-6628038
Two dressers both six drawers good condition make offer for both or one.
Scott A Farmer
Ashley solid wood king-size sleigh bed with ornate carving. Large matching chest of drawers and
Helen Trent
377 Marquis Spa 5 000.00 plus taxSize 65 w x 83 l x 36 hSeats
Modern Chrome Chandelier in circular design. Comes with two sets of glass globes one white
Less than 2 years old excellent condition. Signature Design by Ashley Macleary. Modern velvet navy
Moving Boxes for SALE 20 Per carload. Various Sizes Available. Email us for availability and
Guad Maidona
Complete Kitchen -Gorgeous nearly new custom contemporary Metallic Silver Kitchen Cabinets. Beautiful Metallic Silver Laminate...
Andrea Greco