Salt spray chamber in gujarat

Salt Spray Chambers for Corrosion Testing in Gujarat, India. Salt spray chambers designed by thorough research work done in corrosion testing and is available to industries in Gujarat and all over India. Salt spray test chamber products are utilized, or sometimes termed as salt fog test chambers, to assess the corrosion resistance of paint, zinc-plated nuts and bolts, metal parts, and surface finishes. These salt spray corrosion chambers are used to ascertain whether the coating surface could be used as a protective finish on finished products by exposing the coated samples to an artificial corrosion environment. Salt fog tests have been a well-established type of test used in terms of demonstrating the level of corrosion resistance. Essentially the longer the test time within a salt fog chamber, then the more the resistance rate of corrosion. These chambers are available in standard volume: 300, 600, 900 and 1500 liters, chamber temperature adjustable up to 50 °C and saturator temperatures adjustable up to 65 °C. Optional humidity control is also available to give improved testing accuracy. Is the product automotive, electronic, or industrial? If so, it needs to be tested. At Envisys, we offer you salt spray chambers that guarantee failure-free performance time in and time out. Contact Envisys Technologies today to learn more about customized salt spray chambers to meet your requirements.



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