Administrative Executive Opportunity Apply Now

Administrative Executive Opportunity Apply NowJob DescriptionHi Job Seekers We are looking for Immediate Joiners or 15 days Notice Period Candidates can apply for this job.Designation Admin ExecutiveRole Permanent Full time Salary 25K per monthResponsibilities Email Management Organize and prioritize emails for review.File Management Manage digital and physical files.Document Security Maintain a filing system for important documents.DSR Collection Gather daily status reports from clients.MIS Reports Prepare reports for management.Client Coordination Obtain necessary documents from clients.Office Supplies Manage office equipment and supplies.Departmental Collaboration Work with other departments to address data issues.Accounting Assistance Help with invoice and payment consolidation. Education Any Basic Degree and MBALocation ChennaiNo Of Vacancies 5 VacancyExperience 1 to 3 yrsWarm Regards HR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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