Kamal Piping has firmly established its reputation as a premier manufacturer in India, specializing in Stainless Steel 304H Seamless Tubes. With a dedication to excellence, we offer Tubes meticulously designed for a diverse array of applications. Each Tube showcases unparalleled quality, ensured by rigorous quality control protocols that extend from the initial steel formulation to the final seamless tubing fabrication. The Stainless Steel 304H Seamless Tubes have garnered significant attention in the industry. While the global acclaim for SS 304 is well-deserved, the addition of H in 304H denotes an important enhancement. This H highlights an augmented carbon content, precisely ranging between 0.04% and 0.10%. Such an increase in carbon imparts remarkable tensile and yield strengths to the Tubes, setting them apart from the 304L variant and enhancing their longevity and resilience.
Category: Business & Industrial
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Salt Spray Chamber
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