Fresher Diploma BE Engineer Mechanical jobs 2024Job description Salary Range Rs. 15k - Rs. 20k based on skills experience and interview performanceEducational Requirement 12th Pass Male OnlyWork Arrangement Work From OfficeGender Preference Male onlySkills Requirement No predefined skills necessaryExperience Requirement FresherLocation AmbatturWorking Hours 6am to 2 pm 2 pm to 10 pm and 10pm to 6 am 3 shiftsRegards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937
Category: Employment & Jobs
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Job description Roles and Responsibilities Prepare monthly management accounts including balance sheet schedules. Conduct statutory...
Job description Mechanical design skills AutoCAD design 2D 3D sheet metal design understand GD& T...
Job description Designation Diploma Trianee ITI Trainee Location Chennai Hyderabad Mangaluru Technicians Roles and Responsibilities...
Job descriptionWill lead Shift Production focusing on Production plan executionManpower allocationIn Process QualityProduction report preparation...
Accountant for a Chartered Accountant firmJob description If your profile Suits for this Requirements means...
GST Audit Accounts jobs at chennaiJob description Good Experience in GST handling activitiesOverall accounts and...
Accountant for a Chartered Accountant firmJob description If your profile Suits for this Requirements means...
Job description - Good morning all Job seekers in Tamil voice processing domain communication and...
Job description Hiring customer support executive Job role Telesales Voice process Salary 11k- 14k Inhand...