Skilled in SQL Become Our Next SQL Developer

Skilled in SQL Become Our Next SQL DeveloperJob DescriptionHi Job Seekers We are looking for Immediate Joiners or 15 days Notice Period Candidates can apply for this job.Designation SQL DeveloperRole Permanent Full time Salary 25K per monthResponsibilities SQL Queries Write complex SQL queries using Oracle and PostgreSQL.Database Knowledge Understand joins unions and JSONB data types.DB Objects Be familiar with database objects like views materialized views stored procedures functions triggers and sequences.Database Migration Have experience migrating databases from Oracle to PostgreSQL.ETL Tool Know how to use the ETL Talend tool for database migration.Query Optimization Analyze and improve query performance.Manual Conversion Rewrite Oracle functions and stored procedures for PostgreSQL.Function Compatibility Understand the differences between Oracle and PostgreSQL functions and how to convert them. Education Any Degree related to ITLocation ChennaiNo Of Vacancies 4 VacancyExperience 1 to 3 yrsWarm Regards HR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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