solid work manufacturing processing

Hi Job seekers Opening on solid work creo manufacturing engineering Highly motivated self-starter to provide detailing support for the Retail Division of ArtGuild headquartered in New Jersey with offices in New York Las Vegas Delaware and Mumbai - Bandra BKC Job description Provide technical concepts and engineering documentation to a project team for the development and or the execution of company product. Acts as Lead Engineer for specific project teams. Provides conceptual and execution leadership for specific projects while providing solutions. Provides all engineering SolidWorks documentation to company drafting standards and manages their portion of document updating and archiving. Provides and updates as needed a Bill of Material for their projects. Coordinates with the Quality Control team to establish quality criteria for a given program. Support the Production Art group with instruction sheets and production graphics. Location Chennai Qualification BE BTECH ANY BASIC GRADUATON Salary 25-30k based on experience its negotiable Experience 2-3 yrs With warm regards Infohrmadhu23(at) HR-MADHU 9500574819



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