Accounts Executive with Experience Grow with Us

Accounts Executive with Experience Grow with UsJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesOversee daily accounting tasks such as financial reporting and bookkeeping.Verify that TDS filings and GST returns are being completed.Create and handle invoices making sure that they are billed and collected on time.Make sure you have precise records of your income and expenses by using accounting software such as Tally.Help with the preparation of reports and financial accounts for management reviewAssist internal teams in facilitating financial processes and audits.Offer insights and financial analysis to enhance business strategy and procedures.As delegated by management take care of any additional financial duties and responsibilities. Skills Day-to-day accounting operations Management of bookkeeping and financial reporting.Tax compliance Ensuring compliance with GST returns and TDS filings.Invoicing and collections Generating and processing invoices ensuring timely billing and collections.Record keeping Maintaining accurate records of income and expenses using Tally and other accounting software.Financial statement preparation Assisting in preparing financial statements and reporting for management review.Internal team collaboration Collaborating with internal teams to support financial operations and audits.Financial analysis Providing financial analysis and insights to improve business processes and strategies.Versatility Handling any other finance-related tasks and responsibilities as assigned. Experience 3 to 6 yrsQualification Any Degree related to Accounting and FinanceLocation ChennaiJob Type Permanent And Full Time JobSalary From 45K per monthWarm Regards HR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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