Barns of America You can rely on our expertise with more than 25 years in the business. Our basic pole barn kits are designed with the average DIYer in mind. The kits are customizable and affordable with all the quality materials you would need to erect the building angle iron steel trusses 6x6 marine grade posts 2x6 purlins ( 2 yellow pine) 29gauge galvalume silver roof gable rake ridge cap all hardware upgrades available. A basic pole barn kit is 8 -40 wide with an eave height between 8 and 14 and a 3 12 pitch. Upgraded kits with higher eaves wider buildings and different pitches are available. We also have wall kits so you can enclose your pole barn - whether it s one two or three walls or fully enclosed with four. We offer delivery and install (FL GA AL parts of the Carolina s and MS) Our most popular kit - 40x60 - is on sale for 6500 until next week. Call today to lock in our sales price Affordable financing is available on our website. Be sure to ask for Chloe when you call our office [(352)469-5044] or stop by Feel free to message me for more information We hope to earn your business and hear from you soon
Price: 6,250 USD
Category: Agriculture and Farming
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