Quality Assurance Quality Control jobs at chennai 5 yrs expJob description We are hiring for the position of Quality Inspector (Quality Associate).Educational Background Min DME or B.E. B. Tech (Mechanical Production Automobile)Work Location chennai Job Descriptions 1. Experience in Product inspection (Visual & Dimensional).2.Hands-on experience in measuring instruments handling like (Vernier Micrometer Height Gauge Attribute gauges Air gauges TPG etc.)3. Good knowledge of inspection measurement techniques GD& T.4. Depth understanding of Quality standards inspection reports Quality Plan.5. Ability to read Blueprints Drawings.6. Good written & verbal communication skills.Skill 1. Bike Required.2. Willing to stay near to the plant location.3. Medically fitness mandatory4. Work Discipline (Safety Quality) 5. Working on rotational Shifts.6. Ready to work on Sunday and OT if required.7. Communication on daily work management to Client SPOC person Team Leader.Exp 4 to 5 yearSalary Budget 30 k to 40k -Rs monthly CTC.Facilities 1) Food Available & 2) Transport is not available.Regards 89251 and 14937All the best
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