BARNS OF AMERICA With more than 25 years in the business we ve got the experience you can trust. Here at Barns of America we ve got you covered. If you re interested in a pole barn or lean-to kit as well as trusses give us a call at 352-469-5044 and be sure to ask for Chloe Or visit our office at 26151 SE Hwy 19 in Old Town FL 32680.barnsofamerica(at)yahoo.comCheck out these sales happening now 30 x 60 for only 625036 x 60 for only 650040 x 60 for only 6500Lean to Kits 1 12 pitch We have many different size lean-tos that we can build for you. Whether it s attached to pole barn or free-standing Our smallest size is a 12 x 24 and our largest is 20 x 60.Trusses 3 12 pitch 16 gable for 200 20 gable for 250 24 gable for 300 30 gable for 375 32 gable for 400 36 gable for 450 40 gable for 500Let s get you a quote today We look forward to hearing from you
Price: 3,500 USD
Category: Agriculture and Farming
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UNUSED 2024 BTTL ET12M-6 MINI HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR gp bucket thumb aux hydraulics backfill blade canopy...
UNUSED 2024 BTTL ET12M-6 MINI HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR gp bucket thumb aux hydraulics backfill blade canopy...
Barns of America26151 SE HWY 19Old Town FL 32680Call today 352-469-5044 Active sale 36x60x14 6
Barns Of America Inc