Shape Precision with Your Skills Laser Engineer

Shape Precision with Your Skills Laser EngineerJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesUnderstanding and deciphering mechanical drawings and blueprintsUnderstanding and using the proper tools to maintain machinery in operation Paying close attention to detail and upholding all quality and safety standardsHandling machine issues quickly and effectively Recording machine performance and carrying out regular inspections and maintenanceMaking certain that tasks are carried out and finished on scheduleTo attain the best precision and tolerances arrange the operation sequences. Skills Technical understanding Ability to understand and decipher mechanical drawings and blueprints.Equipment maintenance Knowledge of proper tools and techniques for maintaining machinery in operation.Attention to detail and quality Meticulous attention to detail and adherence to quality and safety standards.Troubleshooting and problem-solving Effective troubleshooting and problem-solving skills to address machine issues promptly.Record keeping Accurate recording of machine performance and regular inspections and maintenance.Task completion Ensuring tasks are carried out and finished on schedule.Process optimization Arranging operation sequences to achieve the best precision and tolerances. Experience 2 to 4 yrsSalary From 25K to 30K per monthQualification Any Engineering DegreeLocation ChennaiWarm Regards HR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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