Handle Laser Engineering Projects with High Tech

Handle Laser Engineering Projects with High TechJob DescriptionHi Job Seekers Welcome to Core Industry We are looking for Immediate Joiners or 15 days Notice Period Candidates can apply for this job.We are hiring for Multiple departments with Vast Vacancies.Department LaserDesignation EngineerShift Time General ShiftRole Permanent Full Time RoleSalary as per Company NormsCompany Type Injection moldingResponsibilities Blueprint Understanding Read and understand mechanical drawings and blueprints.Tool Usage Use the correct tools for machine maintenance.Attention to Detail Follow quality and safety standards.Troubleshooting Quickly address machine problems.Record Keeping Track machine performance and conduct regular inspections.Time Management Complete tasks on schedule.Precision Ensure machines operate with high precision and accuracy. Education Any Engineering degreeLocation SriperumbudurNo Of Vacancies 1 VacanciesExperience 2 to 4 yrs Benefits Food Allowances Incentives Bonus OT Allowance Shoes Uniform.Warm Regards HR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)gmail.com



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