Your Future in Engineering Starts Here

Your Future in Engineering Starts HereJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesHelp plan and carry out the manufacturing process for AMRs AGVs and humanoid robots.By working with several teams make sure that production timelines and schedules are followed.Keep an eye on and manage production machinery to make sure it s operating well.Verify that materials parts and completed goods meet specifications by performing quality inspections.Help create the bill of materials (BOM) for new projects making sure that all parts and components are accurate.To make sure that the manufacturing process complies with product specifications work closely with the design and R& D teams.Track and report production progress detecting potential problems and collaborating with senior engineers to troubleshoot and fix them.Optimise production procedures to boost productivity and decrease downtime.Role Production EngineerQualification Diploma BE in AutomobileExperience FreshersSalary From 18K per monthLocation ChennaiWarm Regards HR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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