The E & I Engineer will work with Technical Lead & customer E & I team for the execution of projects within Pipeline Industrial LNG segments for trains driven by Gas Turbines Steam Turbines Compressors. He she will collaborate with extended Engineering project team and all other customer business functions supporting the project. An E & I Engineer will be responsible for the Electrical equipment and Instrumentation design for Gas Turbine Steam Turbine Driven Compressor and Generator applications Electric Motors Reciprocating Compressors and Turboexpanders. He She will have the opportunity to introduce new technology to enhance company profitability and productivity. He She will be responsible for maintaining and incorporating new cost-effective solutions for designs. Name Plates and hook-up specifications for Electrical equipment and Instruments. Designing and tagging the Electrical and Instrumentation arrangements through the application of international standards ( e.g ATEX CSA NEC NEMA IEC etc). Instrument Project design Summary preparation. Modeling using 3D software for instrumentation loop arrangement based on installation condition. Designing and SMART instrumentation configuration against susceptibility electric and electromagnetic noise. Optimizing Electrical installation to standardize solution in collaboration with manufacturing department. Creation update & Evaluation of P& IDs as per customer requirement. Preparation of list of Equipment Instruments Analyzers respective materials & I O list wiring diagram primary and pneumatic hook-ups ILD Cable and tray layouts based on the P& IDs and vendor documents Panel layouts Instrument annunciator racks Locations are Oragadam sriperambathur Ambattur Irunkattukotai Thirumudaivakkam. Salary starts from 18k Qualification Any basic graduation Exp 1-2 yrs With regards infohrmadhu23(at) HR-MADHU 9500574819
Category: Employment & Jobs
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