Hiring on Accounts Executive Jobs

Accountant executive Role & responsibilities 1) Knowledge of TDS Booking keeping GST Accounting Accounting records and maintenance. 2) Knowledge of billing and coordination with customer in submission of invoices etc. 3) Daily prepare cheque for creditor of Expenses. 4) Daily prepare cheque of Expenses 5) Making Quotation performa invoices to client 6) Ao approval transporter adding. 7) Couriering invoices except Noida region8) Coordinating bill for site certification9) Maintaining record of security cheque10) Staff transport claim approval coordinator11) After hours DC RC E-way bill12) knowledge of claim processing of staff Salary Begins from 25k Qualification B.COM M.COM Exp 2-3 yrs With regards infohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com HR-MADHU 9500574819



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