Data Entry Executive Make Use of Your Experience

Data Entry Executive Make Use of Your ExperienceJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesExperience with Microsoft Office and data programs as well as demonstrated data entry work experience as an office clerk or data entry operatorKnowledge of administrative tasksknowledge of how to use office supplies like a scanner and fax machineaccuracy and speed of typingProficient in proper grammar punctuation and spellingSkills in organisation and attention to detail as well as the capacity to maintain concentration on tasks Skills Technical Skills Proficiency in data entry software and Microsoft Office.Accuracy and Speed Ability to type accurately and quickly.Grammar and Spelling Strong grammar punctuation and spelling skills.Organization Excellent organizational and attention to detail skills.Focus Ability to concentrate on tasks and maintain accuracy. Experience 3 to 5 yrsSalary From 35K per monthQualification Any Basic Degree Location ChennaiWarm Regards HR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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