Electrical and Inspector

Job description Hiring on E& I inspector Inspector shall demonstrate a thorough working knowledge of the National Electric Code NFPA 70 IEC or equivalent standards. Where inspection of Cathodic Protection equipment is required inspector must be able to demonstrate a thorough knowledge of applicable requirements of NACE or equivalent corrosion standards. He shall also have working knowledge of electrical installations including materials methods specifications and hazardous location identification for oil and gas or petrochemical industries. Preferred candidate profile High School graduate or equivalent band total of Six (6) years experience he shall have three (3) years directly relating to inspection activities Shall be able to read write and speak English Language shall be fully conversant with applicable Industry Standards and Specifications Location Chennai Qualification BE BTECH ANY BASIC GRADUATON Salary 25-30k based on experience its negotiable Experience 2-3 yrs With warm regards Infohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com HR-MADHU 9500574819



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