Hiring on Research and DEVELOPMENT

Hiring on R& D Engineering the capacity to become familiar with the system comprehend its extent and create test scenarios that must be fully verified to guarantee high-quality releases that satisfy client needs. For the purpose of organizing carrying out and reporting verification actions the candidate must be self-motivated and possess creative thinking. Excellent process knowledge including an added benefit of Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) or Scrum Agile as well as operational excellence skills. In accordance with the project and product plans collaborate and coordinate with all relevant teams and organizations both internal and external to ensure quality and timely deliverables. Upholding the safety and integrity key values of Hitachi Energy which entails accepting accountability for your own deeds while showing concern for your coworkers and the company. Work Location chennai EXP 2-3 YRS Salary 25000 Qualification any basic graduation Regards infohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com HR-MADHU 9500574819



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