Complete Kitchen -Gorgeous nearly new custom contemporary Metallic Silver Kitchen Cabinets. Beautiful Metallic Silver Laminate. Include 2 9ft Pantry units and several glass cabinet fronts. Practically new Home opener wanted a more traditional look and ripped them out when moved into the home. Barely used.
Price: 2,500 USD
Category: Household & Furniture
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Estate SaleNovember 2nd. 9am to 3pm741 Youn Kin Parkway South. Enchanted Acres off Parsons Ave.
Helen Griffith
Estate SaleNovember 1st 9am to 3pm741 Youn Kin Parkway South.Enchanted Acres off Parsons Avenue.
Helen Griffith
Dates and Times Thursday October 31 2024 9 00 am - 2 00 pm Friday...
Handcrafted by a carpenter except his dimensions came out wrong. Originally intended to be used...
Recently constructed by a carpenter I know supposedly as component shelving but he got the...
Floral design sofa & love seatMeasurements Sofa - length 7 ft depth 34 seat height...
Grace Cayco
Small wood metal and glass dining table and 5 chairs in excellent condition. Table height...
Grace Cayco
Light oak dining table and matching hutchMeasurements Dining table - length 6 ft 6 width...
Grace Cayco