The expertise of Alasafeer Group extends beyond mere installation; they provide a full suite of services that includes consultation, design, and maintenance, ensuring that clients receive a holistic approach to their flooring needs. Their team is well-versed in the latest trends and technologies in the tiling industry, allowing them to offer innovative solutions that not only meet but exceed client expectations. With a strong reputation built on reliability and customer satisfaction, Alasafeer Group is the go-to choice for those seeking exceptional floor tiling works in Dubai, making every space not just a place to walk, but a work of art. Our Services:- 1, Electrical Fitting & Maintenance 2, Air Filtration System Installation 3, Floor & Wall Tiling Works 4, False Celling & Partition Works 5, Carpentry & Wood Flooring Works 6, Water Well Drilling Contracting Services Phone:- + 97145667793 | + 971504923938 Email:- [email protected] Address:- Office No 202, Alpha Property Investment Building, Al Quoz 03, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Category: Business & Industrial
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