TENNIS RACKET STRINGING PROFESSIONAL WAY $24 You are at the right place; our feed back is 100% on strings quality, service, experience, performance of your game and within 24 hours you are on the courts. Tennis racket stringing, professional way with Hybrid System, if you don t know the tension for your racket we will find it for you, pay less and play better. Member of USRSA (United States Racket Stringers Association) We are here with 32 years experience on stringing to help and answer any possible questions you may have. It doesn t matter if you are a beginner or an advanced, we have the way for you. We have a wide range of strings, and we are always updating our stock. From $24 and up per racket labor and string included with Traditional or Hybrid System, 16-gauge Synthetic Gut, Multifilament. Gutsy Aramid, Solid Core, Poly, Soft Poly, Hex-Poly, Co-Poly, Poly Plasma, Poly Fiber, Power Cord, Hex-Poly Snake Bite, Octagonal strings for extra spin, power and control, Aramid ForTen Thin Blend 18 gauge on main mix with 17 Gauge on cross and Aramid ForTen Ultra Thin Blend mixed with 18 gauge on main and cross. Volkl Cyclone, Volkl Classic, Mayami Magic Twist, Signum Pro, Solinco Hyper G Soft, OEHMS Sonic Speed Power, OEHMS Volcano Heat, Tourna Big Hitter, Pros Pro Eruption, Pros Pro Hexa Spin, Pros Pro Synthetic Gut 17L, Genesis Synthetic Gut, Golden Set Multifilament, Mayami Big Spin Co-Poly triangular shaped 17G, Mayami Tour Hex Co-Poly 17L, Mayami Match Point multi filament, Mayami Hepta Power 17L, Polyfibre Fire Rage Ribbed 17 Gauge, Yonex Poly Tour Pro 16L, Black Venom Rough 16G, RPM Blast 17, 16 and 15L and 16 Rough Gauges, , Babolat AddiXion 15L Natural, Wilson Sensation and more. Two pieces of strings (Hybrid) with different gauges (16, 17, 18 or 19 gauges) and different tension on the same racquet for higher performance of play, power, spin, control, durability and comfort. Stringing same day with an appointment. Some of these strings are comparable to industry leaders. .they just cost less! Your racket will be on one of our computerized machine Gamma 8800 ELS 6 points mounting system with pre-stretch system Brand Comparison: POLY same as Big Banger or Pro Hurricane; HEX-POLY same as Big Banger, Alu Power Spin, Pro Hurricane Tour; SNAKE-BITE same as Big Banger, Alu Power Rough, RPM Blast, Luxilon Alu Power and Rough, Big Banger 125, original Babolat Pro Hurricane Tour or original, With your own strings Synthetic $20, with Poly $22 New over grip installed $3. String Saver Cross, pattern to improve the spin and save strings, installation included $3. Rubber band 64 mm as vibration dampener, installed for free. Used tennis balls on great condition, 4 balls for a $1. We also string Squash, Badminton. Tennis Meetups for FREE only in WhatsApp with over 350 mix players around York Region and GTA and only Ladies York Region and GTA with over 50 Ladies players. Call or Text: 416-889-9332 Oscar
Price: 24 CAD
Category: Sports Equipment
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