Ladies york region, gta tennis meetups for free

LADIES YORK REGION, GTA TENNIS MEETUPS FOR FREE If you interest of playing tennis In the York Region/GTA or near by, this meetup is only on WhatsApp, If you want to be part of it, contact us on WhatsApp with 2 of your names and let us know you wish to be part of the group. Players under 16 y/o must be supervision by an adult. Over 50 players willing to play tennis in York Region and GTA area and near by, for fun, rally, practice, matches, singles, doubles or mix doubles. For coaching Mr Simon 6476277888, Liuba 6477807495 or Mr Shark 6475315859. It is FREE to join the group during Summer and/or Winter and play on any public court, Winter there are fees for any club with indoor courts. Schedule games, share courts information, discuss equipment. If you don t know your level of play check this link: IMPORTANT RULES: NO business, NO politics, No religion, NO dating, NO discrimination, NO verbal abuse, No harassment, No discuss about Covid-19, Only tennis or any constructive sport. Abusive language and improper behavior will not be tolerated on this group. English text only. The organizer is not responsible for any other activities and/or behavior in or out of tennis courts. Is important to have your photo in your avatar (Profile) players can recognize you when you meet a new player. If you need new strings on your racket let us know. Oscar 4168899332



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