HarvesterPicker - 112831

Mushroom Harvesting PickingDay Shift 7 00am-until work is finished.Pay 11 hr Eventual Harvesters Pay Up to 20 hrDepends On Pounds Of Mushrooms Picked Per HourLocation Miami OKTemp to hireJob Duties Product Selection Harvest mushrooms based on size and quality standards. Stem Cutting Use a knife to manually cut mushroom stems with precision following product specifications. Harvesting Pull mushrooms from the base applying a twisting technique before cutting the stem. Area Maintenance Keep assigned harvesting areas clear of obstacles mushroom debris and stumps. Quality Control Monitor mushroom quality presentation and ensure container weights are accurate. Compliance Follow SOPs Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) for food processing. Reporting Complete daily logs and reports accurately as per company procedures. Collaboration & Flexibility Communicate with team members assist other areas as needed and adapt to changing demands. Safety Adhere to all safety protocols and operational procedures. Skills and Qualifications Education High School Diploma or equivalent (preferred). Experience Previous harvesting experience is a plus. Age Requirement Must be at least 18 years of age. Language Skills Bilingual in English and Spanish is preferred. Communication Strong communication skills with the ability to interact with personnel at all levels. Independence Ability to work unsupervised for periods during the day. Adaptability Willingness to take on other tasks and support different areas when needed. Time Management Ability to prioritize tasks and meet deadlines efficiently. Attendance Reliable and consistent attendance is essential. Order Id 112831Stand-By PersonnelSkilled Division



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