Hiring on Medical Jobs

Hiring on Medical Jobs payment posting for experiencedInvoice patients and insurance companies for claims or payments Track and collect payments including setting up payment plans for outstanding bills Correct rejected insurance claims and coding errors Manage patient insurance claims and payment plans Submit billing data to the appropriate insurance providers Sending invoices to patients for remaining balances after insurance payouts Communicating with insurance company representatives to track payments and confirm patient coverage information Investigating denied claims and outstanding patient invoices to ensure the provider receives payment Managing patient payments and updating information over the phone and in person Balancing sent claims and payments received to record the provider s monthly and quarterly earnings accurately Generate appeals or reconsideration forms on denied claims utilizing web portals or payor specific forms. Help develop claim edits that will help increase cash flow and create clean claims.Location Chennai TamilnaduQualification Any basic graduationExp 2-4 yrsSalary based on exp its negotiableContact MADHU HRInfohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com9500574819Hiring on Medical Jobs payment posting for experiencedInvoice patients and insurance companies for claims or payments Track and collect payments including setting up payment plans for outstanding bills Correct rejected insurance claims and coding errors Manage patient insurance claims and payment plans Submit billing data to the appropriate insurance providers Sending invoices to patients for remaining balances after insurance payouts Communicating with insurance company representatives to track payments and confirm patient coverage information Investigating denied claims and outstanding patient invoices to ensure the provider receives payment Managing patient payments and updating information over the phone and in person Balancing sent claims and payments received to record the provider s monthly and quarterly earnings accurately Generate appeals or reconsideration forms on denied claims utilizing web portals or payor specific forms. Help develop claim edits that will help increase cash flow and create clean claims.Location Chennai TamilnaduQualification Any basic graduationExp 2-4 yrsSalary based on exp its negotiableContact MADHU HRInfohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com9500574819



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