Acupuncture acupressure noida

Hi-Tech Advance Computerized Diagnostic Scanning ClinicPsycho-Acupuncture & Medicare Center  NOIDA Most Modern Pain Clinic. . Since 1985 Home Treatment Facility Available(Only NOIDA & surrounding) Consulting AcupuncturistDr.B.S.Taneja MD Acu GOLD Medalist M.Ac, S.I.Jaipur M.I.C.C.M.Delhi M.I.C.Ac.Beijing. Acupuncture Specialist. Specializes in chronic and difficult back pain. Acupuncture under Aseptic Conditions Acupuncture treatment is provided under highly aseptic conditions. We use fine hair-like imported sterile Disposable Needles. Get rid of Psycho-Somatic (Mind & Body) diseases Back Head & Neck Knee Pain Relief Arthritis Pain, Rheumatoid Arthritis, OsteoArthritis Sinus, Migraines Headache, Insomnia (Sleep disorder) Spondylitis, Spondylosis, Spondylolisthesis, Spine Disorders, Stroke, Paralysis, Diabetes, Obesity & Hormonal Imbalances. Parkinson s Alleviation, Depression, Stress, Anxiety Schizophrenia, Mood Disorders, ADHD, Autism Hypertension & Metabolic Syndromes Gastro Intestinal Disorders GERD, IBS, etc. Sports Injuries - Sports Performance Improvements Structural and Orthopedic Problems Cardiac and Vascular Disorders Autoimmune and Autonomic Disorders Neurological and Myofascial Treatment. De-addiction, Quit Smoking, Alcoholism, Drug abuse, Cancer Pain management. GYN Problems - Fertility Improvement & IVF Support. Acupuncture can assist IVF in the following ways:- To improve blood flow to the uterus. To promote ovulation. To make the body more adjustable to the hormones used during treatment. To decrease stress levels. To avoid OHSS, miscarriage, and ectopic pregnancy. Facility: Ultrasonic Massage, Acupressure, Electro-Acupuncture, Su-Jok, T.E.N.S, etc. Only By Appointment Note:- Prior Appointment is necessary for consultation. Please bring all the investigation reports like x-rays, CT scans, MRI, laboratory reports, surgical reports, discharge summaries, and other medical documents for review during your visit. Clinic Location- Noida Opp.Noida Stadium Gate No.1 F-Block, Shimla Market, Shop No- 6, Near Water Tank, Behind Modern School Sector - 12, Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201 301, India Clinic Time Noida: Morning: 11:00 am to 01:30 pm Eve: 05:00 pm to 08:30 pm Resi-cum-Clinic Location Time:-8 am to 10 am Devika Gold HomzGreater Noida Extn.(West). Flat No.103 Tower No-DG-7 Plot No GH-06/CGreater Noida Extn.(West). Noida U.P Pin-201306 Note:- Prior Fix Appointment is necessary for consultation. You can use WhatsApp Mob:-+ 918383053410 I do the best job I can. I m proud of what I do. I do what I say I will do. I am committed to Efficiency with Quality and safety, Compassionate Care, and the Creation of Memorable Experiences. To know more Visit Blogs:- PsychoAcupuncture & Medicare IVF Center NOIDA



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