We are seeking a skilled Machine Operator to join our dynamic manufacturing team. The ideal candidate will be responsible for operating and maintaining various types of machinery ensuring that production processes run smoothly and efficiently. This role requires a strong understanding of machining principles and attention to detail.Duties and Responsibilities Operate wire-coiling machines for winding wire or sheet coils used in transformersReview work orders and specifications to determine necessary materials and partsRead and interpret winding sheets drawings and sketchesOperate winding lathes punches brakes slitters and shearsCut strip and bend wire leads at the ends of coils using pliers and wire scrapersAttach alter and trim materials such as wire insulation and coils using hand toolsSelect and load materials onto equipment used in winding processesRecord production and operational data on specified formsStop machines to remove completed components using overhead cranesPerform brazing and welding tasksInterpret and carry out verbal instructions from supervisorsFollow all company standardsShift Day (7 00 AM - 3 30 PM overtime as needed) Preferred Skills Soldering knowledge is a plus Requirements- Must be authorize to work in the US-Proven experience as a Machine Operator or similar role in a manufacturing environment. - Strong understanding of machining principles tooling and materials handling. - Excellent attention to detail with a commitment to producing high-quality work. - Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to work independently or as part of a team. - Familiarity with safety protocols in a manufacturing setting is essential.-Must be able to use a tape measureIf you are passionate about machining and looking for an opportunity to grow your skills within a supportive environment we encourage you to apply for the Machine Operator position today Job Type Full-timePay 19.00 - 20.00 per hour
Category: Employment & Jobs
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Kelly Bullock
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April Briggs
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Kelly Bullock
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Kayren Williamson