Join Us as a Senior Web Developer Now

Join Us as a Senior Web Developer NowJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesWork with or as part of cross-functional teams to contribute to the end-to-end system architecture.To produce the best and most enjoyable user experiences work together with product managers UX teams and other technical teams.Create and deploy single-page apps (SPAs) with contemporary JavaScript frameworks.creating a straightforward user interface using modern technologies for a complicated product.combining information from several back-end systems.Utilise your knowledge of the HTML5 Bootstrap and Foundation CSS frameworks.Examine front-end and back-end layer performance and engineer concepts and code. Skills Strong proficiency in JavaScript HTML5 and CSSExperience with modern JavaScript frameworks (React Angular Vue.js)Understanding of front-end development principles and best practicesKnowledge of RESTful APIs and data integration techniquesAbility to write clean efficient and maintainable codeProblem-solving and debugging skillsAttention to detail and user experience Experience 3 to 5 yrsQualification any Degree related to ITSalary From 35K per month (Negotiable)Location ChennaiWarm Regards HR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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